Open Board Meeting

Are you orientating on a year on the board or just interested to see what a board meeting looks like? This is your chance: we are having an open meeting on Monday April 26th at 19:30 till approx. 21:00. Sign up here if you are interested to join!


We hope to see many of you!

The 2nd board πŸŒΏπŸ’š


Are you not available to join, but still interested in knowing more about doing a board year? Then join one of our other orientation events:


AMA board dinner πŸ¨πŸ•― : Friday May 7th, 18:00

Zoom information session: Sunday May 16th, 20:30

Open board meeting: Monday May 17th, 19:30


Or send a private message to Sieben πŸ™‚


Link to sign up for the open board meeting



Monday 26 April, 2021


19:30 - 21:00